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About Us

Brief introduction
      Henan International Joint Laboratory of Laser Technology in Agriculture Sciences (HJLaser) is devoted to applying laser technology to further the understanding of agricultural sciences as it relates to figure out solutions for solving problems in containments, such as heavy metals, hormones, pesticides, and animal viruses, which are present in soil, plants and foods.In this joint laboratory, a talented team skilled in the disciplines of Agricultural Engineering, Optical engineering, Electrical Engineering and bioengineering brings a wealth of experience in the utilization of the most current and innovative methodologies in laser technology. The cutting-edge laser technology is applied in agriculture science to reveal both qualitative and quantitative measurement methodologies, such as SPR, LSPR, Raman, SERS, LIBS and LIF. This Joint Laboratory focuses on three main research fields, namely:
1. Linear and Nonlinear Absorbance Spectra and Applications;
2. Optical (Localized) Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR/LSPR) Biosensor;
3. Molecular and Atomic Laser Spectroscopy (LIBS/LIF/Laser-SERS).
      The root of this joint laboratory can be traced back to the founding of its first research center (Optoelectronics Research Group at Henan Agricultural University) in 1992. Since that time, the modern optoelectronics was started to be as a promising technique in agricultural measurement. Henan   International Joint Laboratory of Laser Technology in Agriculture Sciences is comprised of two separate component organizations, Engineering Technology Research Center for Agricultural Measurement Technology and Instrument of Henan Agricultural University, and Key laboratory of Agricultural Measurement Technology and Instruments of Zhengzhou Science and Technology Bureau. It encompasses both fundamental and applied sciences that span over many fields of research in agriculture, such as, electronics, mechatronics, biology, agricultural science, optical engineering, as well as environmental sciences.The lasers, fiber optics and microelectronic components are employed to develop measurement devices for in field use. We recruit Ph.D candidates, graduate students and undergraduates who are interested in pursuing a research-oriented degree. We are also working with various international and national collaborators including groups from Lund University, McGill University, University of Nairobi(Kenya), South China Normal University and the State Key Laboratory of Wheat and Maize Crop Science (Zhengzhou). In this joint laboratory, there are 3 full professors, 6 associate professors and 10 Ph.D and Msc. students.
Research activities:
The activity of the three areas is directed towards the study of fundamental process, applied to problems of Agricultural Engineering:
1. Absorbance Spectra of NPK from soil samples
2. LIBS Spectroscopy of soil and plant
3. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy in plant hormone
4. Spectroscopy of toxicology in food safety
5. Laser SERS applied to biology and medicine
We are equipped with state-of-art spectrometers: UV-Vis Spectrometer, Near Infrared Spectrometer, Raman spectrometer, CEAS spectrometer, LIBS spectrometer along with other various instruments.
1. National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0801204)
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31671581),
3. Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (162300410143),
Jiandong HU
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering of Henan Agricultural University
Visiting address: No.63#, Nongye Road, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, 450002, China
Telephone: +86 371 63558280
Mobile Phone: 13393706339
Email: jdhu@henau.edu.cn;jiandonghu@163.com
Skype: dennis_jdhu; WeChat:dennis_jdhu;QQ:214871642;LinkedIn: Jiandong HU