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McGill大学Dr.Ali Mawof访我校系列报导之二

发布时间:2024-06-11 09:10    浏览次数:
2024年6月10日,麦吉尔大学Ali Mawof博士的学术交流仍在河南农业大学机电工程学院二楼会议室举行。
June 10, 2024
Following the successful events of June 9th, 2024, Henan Agricultural University’s College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (CAAOR) welcomed Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Mawof from McGill University for a second day of engaging activities and academic exchanges.
河南省农业激光技术国际联合实验主任胡建东教授主持了今天的学术交流活动,今天学术交流活动仍以系列研究报告开始。为了便于交流和讨论,首先博士生Abdul就他在河南农业大学的学习和研究工作向McGill大学Dr.Ali Mawof及参加活动的研究生和老师作了精彩的报告。他详细报告了光纤光栅传感器在土壤物理信息获取方面所做的研究工作和取得了学术成果。
Event Highlights
Research Presentations
The day began with a series of research presentations. PhD student Abdul from Henan Agricultural University delivered an insightful presentation on his current research work, showcasing his findings and methodologies.
在博士生Abdul演讲之后,来自McGill大学Ali Mawof博士全面分享了他在McGil大学所做的研究工作,题为“Evaluation of Novel Soil Amendments in Reducing Heavy Metal and Emerging Organic Contaminant Pollution from Wastewater Irrigation in Soil-Plant Systems”。他的演讲涉及土壤重金属修复及土壤重金属、有机污染物、激素对土壤环境可持续性的影响及解决方案。
Following Abdul's presentation, Dr. Ali Mawof delivered a comprehensive presentation on his research work titled "Evaluation of Novel Soil Amendments in Reducing Heavy Metal and Emerging Organic Contaminant Pollution from Wastewater Irrigation in Soil-Plant Systems." His presentation provided valuable insights into his cutting-edge research and its potential applications in environmental sustainability.
10号下午河南省农业激光技术国际联合实验主任胡建东教授带领Ali Mawof博士参观了CAAOR实验室,并对目前承担的项目和正在开展的研究工作进行了详细的介绍。
Laboratories Tour and Equipment Demonstration:
After the presentations, Professor Jiandong Hu led a comprehensive tour of the university's working laboratories. Professor Hu provided an in-depth explanation of the laboratory machinery and equipment, highlighting their applications and the innovative research conducted using these resources.
在实验室参观过程中,硕士研究生熊亚妮、臧一恒和陈永起分别向Ali Mawof博士汇报了他们的研究工作。MSc Students Discussed Their Research Work:
Two MSc students discussed their research during the tour with Dr. Ali Mawof.
Student 1: Yanni Xiong
Student 2: Yiheng Zang
Ali Mawof博士积极与研究生们进行了广泛讨论,详细了解了研究生的研究工作,并对研究生的研究工作提出了很好的建议。互动式的讨论促进了更深入的学术思想的交流,也丰富了所有研究生们学术工作经历。
Interactive Discussion:
Dr. Ali Mawof engaged actively with the students, providing feedback and sharing his expertise in biosensor engineering. The interactive discussions facilitated a deeper understanding and exchange of ideas, enriching the academic experience for all participants.
Ali Mawof博士的交流与访问,加强了河南农业大学与麦吉尔大学的联系。访问期间的研究报告、实践实验室演示和研究讨论为知识国际学术交流和未来科研合作提供了一个宝贵的机会。
Concluding Remarks:
Assistant Professor Dr. Ali Mawof's continued visit on June 10th further strengthened the collaborative ties between Henan Agricultural University and McGill University. The research presentations, hands-on lab demonstrations, and research discussions provided a valuable platform for knowledge sharing and future cooperation.